Pecha Kucha
Video for Pecha Kucha
Overview of Feedback
The feedback i received was mostly positive. There wasn't many issues people had told me to improve on. There was one improvement which had confused me which was me to have tried to ask permission to use the music or sound.
The reason why I was confused about this and did argue the point of this is because as a student i am allowed to use it if not creating any profit from it. This is know as fair use which allowed students to use copyrighted items for educational purposes.
Awarding Body - Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production &
13 - Project Proposal
Project Title
(Preferred Creative Media specialism):
Design, Animation, Graphic Design, Web Design, Journalism, Sound Design, TV
Production, Film etc. This may be a combination of one or more. How has this changed since you started the course?
Music video,
Logo creation and posters. This has changed since I started the course as I
have found out what I wanted to do as I started to have a passion in video
creation and editing.
Section 1: Project
Rationale (approx. 150 words)
starting the course, What do you know now, and what does it mean to you,
(compared with what you knew and could do before you started the course). How
does what you know now influence your choice of pathway and your project
skills and processes are you competent with?
would you like to learn more about?
starting the course, I learnt a lot more videography. This means a lot to me as
I have learnt new skills which I didn’t really have before. I also learnt a
new software to edit which was premier pro. The things which have influenced my
choice of pathway is my passion in my recent years at college in Video. I
have learnt many new skills which I want to be able to show off. I would like
to learn more in using bigger cameras in creating music videos this is because
professionals use the big cameras which can capture videos in greater detail.
2 Project Concept: (approx. 200 words)
explain the concept and aims of your project and the context, research and
ideas that will support its development.
What are the historical, economic,
social, mass media, cultural, issues, cultural events and political
influences? What is it you want to
communicate and who is your audience? Where will your media product exist and
how will it be distributed? What access will you need to workshops? How will
you use independent study?
My aim
for this project is to make people understand that not all music influence
gang behaviour. I want to change the way people think about music videos,
they all don’t have drugs, guns and girls. Media portrays music videos as
gang influential. I want this to be changed as people think of the younger
generation as violent just because of the music they listen too. I will be
distributing the music video on YouTube. The reason I have only choose one is
because of the fact of YouTube being a main stream page for music videos. I
will also be publishing it onto pages such as grm daily. I will need to use a
range of workshops. I will be using equipment such as camera, tripods and
also lights. I will use independent study to research into locations of where
I want to shoot and also if I need to change any ideas and plans to allow me
to flow with the song.
3 Evaluation and Reflection: (Approx 150 words)
how you will reflect on, and evaluate your work, as both an on-going activity
and at the conclusion of the project. You should describe how you intend to
record your decision making and how you will document changes to your ideas
as work progresses. The evaluation
should be referred back to your aims. It must be reflective (‘why? Because?’)
And analytical rather than a description of actions completed.
I will
be reflecting on my work every week. If I feel that one week I didn’t
progress much I will still write a log but explain why I feel like I didn’t
progress and how I can progress. The evaluation of my work will be done at
the end of the project. This is due to the fact I will be able to get a
better overview of my project. I will record my decisions by recording people
and asking them questions about my music video. This will give me an overview
of what people liked about the music video and what they didn’t like about
Section 4:
Research Sources and Bibliography
the initial research sources, both primary and secondary, that you intend to
use. Your sources of research should
be as wide as possible, including libraries, museums, galleries, journalism,
articles, media, galleries, books, film/video, magazines, TV/radio
programmes, web sites etc.
My research sources will be many
things. For my primary research I will doing questionnaires and interviews. I
thought that interviews will allow me to get a better idea and more detailed
answers by people which listen to music and people which don’t. Also a
questionnaire allows me to get quick and simple answers which than I can
create a pie chart for. For secondary research I will be looking into YouTube
videos and documentaries. This is because it will allow me to get a more
detail about how directors actually work and how they work when on different
sets. I will also research into current music video directors which direct
for main stream artists in America and even the UK.
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